Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Early and somewhat stressful...but decent

6:44 Should’ve taken the long SPY/ES, I’m thinking ES is the better deal now. I entered my AAPL short a bit too soon…fuck. I’m going to have to hold that into some red. Gotta hold off for a second.

6:45 Practiced some meditation last night. I’ve done it many times before, but haven’t really hit the “resonance” point like I did last night. Really nice feeling. I’m hoping it pays off.

6:46 Just hit that AAPL trade at the absolutely wrong time…stalling out the red. So that’s good. I’m looking for an eventual gap fill, or partial retracement of yesterday’s break up.

6:49 this could run against me hard…fuck. Good to get my thoughts down on ‘paper’…

6:51 I’m still in the red. But thinking of taking profit when I can. Watching TICKs; hit -550ish. I was hoping AAPL’s early weaknes would’ve extended more.

6:52 On a side note. The gap on the SPY did close. I should’ve gotten some green there. Oh well…

6:53 yeah I got in at almost the worst point possible this morning. Damn. It’s coming back, but I’m not sure how far. Looks like some negative sentiment in SPY. Hmm.

6:56 watching to see if any buying is coming in. Looks small if any. Might drop below my entry, especially with the SPY crapping out here…

6:57 Damnit. Huge down in the SPY but not in AAPL. Hmm. I am glad to not see huge amounts of buying. But I don’t like this strength. To be expected in AAPL?

6:59 Might just be the consumer confidence number? Hmm. Should be released. Now?

7:00 Come on AAPL. Don’t you want to follow? Definitely not strong. But not terribly weak either…

7:01 Reminds me. ANTICIPATE. Always anticipate. Makes for better trading than reacting. VIX shot up. Good sign for us shorts, albeit AAPL is acting strong than the index.

7:06 I don’t know if it’s a fake or not on the SPY. Huge volume in. Doji candle. But not looking good? Oh, there it kinda goes…hmm.

7:08 It’s really hard to separate when you have a position like this on. Holding it…

7:11 Guess I need to give the market some time to form. Still not looking terribly good on the SPY, but could be gathering strength.

7:13 will SPY get knocked down or strengthen up? That’s the question…

7:14 SLB is moving up toward its previous close. Gap close? My stats said a decent chance. I need to get some stats on drawdowns and continuation moves…would’ve given me more confidence. Plus I need strategies to get out. Otherwise I will definitely get frustrated by a single loss even if it works overall.

7:17 New study? Intraday retracements on AAPL? I want to find even more edge in this stock. I like its size and feel (despite my current red). I want to get better!!!

7:18 Hoping the SPY sputters here…

7:22 Was just thinking, it’d also be good if the SPY went up and AAPL didn’t move or went down. Hah.

7:24 GOOG gap is filling from the Samsung trial. Wish I took that instead of AAPL. Goddamnit. Of course, it could happen for AAPL too..i’m thinking AAPL faired a tad better. Still, not in too much red/pain.

7:29 SLB closed and then backed off.

7:33 Intermediate top in SPY? In poker I always have to watch it when I overthink my hand. Anyway, glad AAPL didn’t follow the market. Might get some pullbacbk in here…

7:36 got my limit buys in. Of course, that might just be optimistic (delusional?) thinking. I still think th strategy is okay. I want to go for a jog around the block…get these juices moving again. Might just do that. And grab some tea…

7:39 Ugh SPY. I need a walk.

7:56 Short walk. Some coffee. Looks like AAPL is about breakeven. Given SPY’s advance and its fall/stall, I’m holding it for at least a little more. I know when it’s positive I’m going to have trouble holding off. But let’s see how this plays out. Turning on some faster music to keep my mind from being understimulated (Music theory from yesterday).

8:00 Took the profit. Nice though J This will likely continue. And as I figured. I would be slightly frustrated with my early profit. But take it! Decent readcs on the market. Bleh exsecutions. You have five hours left. Take a breather. Look around. Enjoy the coffee.

continued in next post...

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